Hits 1000

Wahh.. first time ever my web hits 1000 unique visitor… thank for stopping by and read my bloody boring blog + looking at my irritating fingers(some people felt irritated) on the top. Hmmm.. wait… Issit visitors visited my website or bots/spams visited my website… Hard to find out, but but.. anyways.. thank for stopping by… Continue reading Hits 1000

PHP Code Samurai

Friends around me are asking how to become a good programmer? I also aim to become PHP Code Samurai… Err why Sumarai but not PHP Code Ninja? PHP Code Dinasour… Heh.. the Samurai idea was found in Wil Shipley’s blog and you must check out his bravo presentation too.. Flirt with Manual/Documentation I found out… Continue reading PHP Code Samurai

Is that MAS Airline?

Look at the MAS boeing 777, I forget where I get the picture, but it doesn’t look like photoshop by somebody, Is it true? If it’s true, why the photographer didn’t photograph what happen after that?