Busy with projects

Finally, the Nepali Times project is going to finish. It’s near the end and Bhushan is going back this Friday – which is my birthday. Bhushan! You can’t have the cake/party 😛 But we will have a farewell for you tomorrow night. Ei…not tomorrow night, its now Thursday…Blur… ok, tonight, farewell for you. What would… Continue reading Busy with projects

Streamyx dialouge session with TMNet CEO – Michael Lai

I got an email from Telekom Malaysia. I want to get 10 people including me to join a dialogue session with CEO of TMNet – Michael Lai. The dialogue session is for people who are not satisfied with the services provided by TMNet. – Like me! Please send an email to paul@takizo.com,tell me what problem(s)… Continue reading Streamyx dialouge session with TMNet CEO – Michael Lai