

Ruby On Rails!

Ruby on Rails successfully installed and configured on FreeBSD6.0 machine! I have followed the simple tutorial on Rails website and it amazed me, you can create a simple data entry apps in less than 5 mins, no more mysql_query.. just some simple codes.. Rails is amazing and am explore more on it… spoonfork is on… Continue reading Ruby On Rails!

Categorized as Work

Extreme Programming

Good read on another software development approach. Extreme Programming (XP) is actually a deliberate and disciplined approach to software development. About eight years old, it has already been proven at many companies of all different sizes and industries world wide. visit Extreme Programming(XP)

Categorized as Work

Breaker Design

A very clean and nice design website, fully CSS developed. BREAKER DESIGN is the online portfolio of Tyson Rosage, a freelance web and graphic designer based in Bellingham, Washington.