Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

剛剛和一個美國回來的笨蛋喝茶 我們為了小小的事情大打出手 我說中國的萬里長城是世界7 大 奇蹟 之 一 他說不是 他說美國的大峽谷是世界7 大 奇蹟 之 一 我說不是 我說Leaning Tower of Pisa 是世界7 大 奇蹟 之 一 他說不是 他說TajMahal India是世界7 大 奇蹟 之 一 我說不是 在大戰了300個回合後 …我們一致裁定回去找正確的答案 以下是我找到的答案 , 我們剛才上面所說的都不是 =.= Pyramids of Egypt (on west bank of Nile River near Cairo ) Pharos of Alexandria (On ancient island… Continue reading Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

12 Tips to save petrol

1) Pump up your tires. Keeping your tires inflated is one of the easiest and most important things Saving petrol means saving money one can do to improve fuel economy. If a range is recommended by the manufacturer, the higher pressure should be used to maximize fuel efficiency. Deflated tires run hot and jeopardize safety.… Continue reading 12 Tips to save petrol


I started working at Cyberjaya. Cyberjaya, in one sentence; “It’s damn far from my house”. Travelling 100km/day and paying RM6/day for tols, petrol and tols really costs me a lot. I find that the best route to Cyberjaya is from Duta. Any one of you reading this also travel from Duta to Cyberjaya??? At first,… Continue reading Cyberjaya

I am back

I am back with English postings. It’s not exactly a come-back but I have started posting in English due to a request from my Indian Brother in UK who wanted to read and understand what’s been happening to me recently. Besides that, a graphic guru in my ex-office also can’t read mandarin. Furthermore, my mum… Continue reading I am back