Long Holiday

After 5:30pm, I will be having long holiday, every one of us is waiting for 5:30pm, then we will jumping up and down drooling out to the office and have a long nice break, hibernate our mind from work work work work. Well, we need to give a big hug hug and kiss kiss to… Continue reading Long Holiday


慢慢的可以用比安全shutter speed 底几等級的速度來拍照了 , 用於50mm大概是1/15s左右…. 其實就算調高點iso , 都沒有人發覺的 , 因為大部分都在電腦看….而d80的ISO1600的quality還可以接受 要調D80的iso有兩種方法 1)用LCD….(超級麻煩) 2)按iso button + master command dial(也是超級麻煩) 不過還沒有玩過D80的AUTO ISO …希望不會令我失望…….還希望d80的pre-set可以做到!!! 突然好想有sony A100的’雙輪’阿……………..ISO , WB , focus , mettering , flash 都在左輪上 (我連d80的mettering 怎樣設定到現在還不知道)

Malaysiakini Old Office

Stumble some old pictures in my folder. Malaysiakini old office. During the time the tech team been slaved. Moved stuffs and also crimped cables from first floor to second floor. Those who are using the network cables in the office now should appreciate me and chua hardwork.

Sad News

Dear Mr. Paul Ooi, Thank you for contacting Consumer Products. Your case has been forwarded to us. We will assist you from here. You will need to courier your package to our Service Centre for servicing. Your package should include the following: 1) Camera, 2) Warranty Card and 3) Purchase Receipt Thank you for your… Continue reading Sad News

Nikon D80 Dead Pixel

Update I just came back from One Utama, drove all the way there, pay parking and had a word with Shong Lee Photo Shop’s aunty, I shown her the bad pixel/dead pixel on my 2 days old Nikon D80 camera, and she said, I have to send to Nikon Service for them to check/repair and… Continue reading Nikon D80 Dead Pixel