Malaysia May 13th 1969

Some of you guys might not know what is 13th May 1969 meant. I found the article in WIKIPEDIA. The May 13 Incident is a term for the Chinese-Malay race riots in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on May 13, 1969. The riots continued for a substantial period of time, and the government declared a state of… Continue reading Malaysia May 13th 1969


prison break , 果然好看 这部戏简单又充分的表现出人类隐藏的一面:勾心斗角,互相利用,你死我活,自私。。。。 每个演员都好像是影帝的。。。。 他们害我无法安眠好几天 , 给我一个很悲,很黑的世界 也让我疯狂的追戏。。。。 非常期待season 2 中。。 发现了一个小小的"bug" 在episod 8 , time:26.50 ... 在剪接上犯了一个很严重的错误  :)

Categorized as 矮子101-200


要让一个男人败光家产 , 请给他一部相机.... 而女人就....

Categorized as 矮子101-200

iMac & Photo Booth

Company bought some iMacs, what if when the staffs have nothing to do… … … … Another staff also nothing to do…