
忍者龟! 大家别忘了这可是由华纳公司出品,香港的意马国际动画公司(IMAGI)负责动画制作!他们的下一个巨作将会是风摩全日本/世界的无敌小金刚(Astro Boy)!! 如果硬要和现在3D巨头Pixar比较的话,人家100个人,100个都是senior,而Imagi则只有80个senior,所以电影里某些过场/不重要的部分动画难免素质差一点点。 但是!!片中华丽刺激的精彩动作场面绝对一流!!绝对值会门票,你心里绝对会大叫“这就是香港的动作/武打场面/武术指导~”!! 故事方面嘛就像漫画一般,强调兄弟情义还有亲情,还好,反正是卡通嘛 🙂 忍者龟是我童年重要的卡通之一,还记得每个星期四晚上要按“Record”后才去补习~

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今天早上,和位朋友吃早餐,他说有兴趣在这里和矮子,King,Vovo和Ling一起写些无聊的部落格。其实他本身也有自己的部落格。但是,独乐乐,不如众乐乐对不对? 最近vovo和Ling好像似失踪了。。。 拭目以待,新人加入大家庭! 多多人一起写比较爽嘛,对不对?

Streamyx, you again!!

Just reach home around 9pm, first thing is switch on my monitor and visit paulooi.com, chech, have to advertise a bit ~ Then I found that i cant connect to internet, I’m surprise cause my latest payment is on March, now is just 5th of April and they’ve already suspended my line???? (FYI, I JUST… Continue reading Streamyx, you again!!

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Malaysia’s Bloggers may have to register

BLOGGERS using locally hosted websites may be asked to register with the authorities, Deputy Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor said. He said registration was one of the measures the Government was considering to prevent the spread of negative or malicious content on the Internet. Shaziman said this while winding up the… Continue reading Malaysia’s Bloggers may have to register



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