All About Work

Recently I notice 8 working hours isn’t enough to me. Especially when there are a few things on hand to-do, basically means when all things come in sudden, it’s really PITA(Pain In The Ass). Especially when you are dealing with systems, applications, debugging and troubleshooting. Logs file analyzing will take a lot of time, and… Continue reading All About Work


不确定是自己发热气还是天气闷热,喝多点水为妙。 家里好像又没有水,妈的~ 看完春光乍泄,很美啊~王家卫,虽然时代交替,但你始终是一位很成功的导演。 等着保罗帮我update我的wordpress..但明白他贵人事忙,实在不好意思打扰他~ 三个礼拜的短期训练即将完毕,这批学生太棒了,如获至宝,很久没遇到了,如果不辛苦点帮他们又于心不忍,感觉有点暴殄天物,消耗了我不少精神,很累啊~

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