
我多么的想和你见一面 , 看看你近来的改变

Made in Malaysia (Hip Hop)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzJUQkUAie8&mode=related&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFt6BgrKMNs&mode=related&search=

An Apple iPhone in Malaysia

I was having lunch with my colleagues at some restaurant in The Weld today, my boss joint us after that. He walked into the restaurant with the earphone and it looks like he has an iPod attached with him. After sat down, he take out that “ipod”, put on the table. That “ipod” is actually… Continue reading An Apple iPhone in Malaysia


最近有点冷清,想必大家都面对着peak period吧,加油~

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