Celcom 3G _Very_ Fast!

Saw the Celcom advertisement? Celcom 3Gx? Ahem.. Misleading… To be honest, it was fast last time, but not now anymore, recently the network is having unacceptable slowness, even browsing local website would take few minutes to load, in particular my blog itself. I am trying to download firefox browser, and here is the speed… Fast… Continue reading Celcom 3G _Very_ Fast!

reverse mouse

从我玩第一个 FPSgame (first player shooting game )开始 , 我就开始用reverse mouse 了。。。 没有记错的话应该是quake 1 吧。。。。 也不知道也不明白为什么偏偏FPS的game 有这个function?




有时候,要找Apple的中文软体是满难的,最近下载一些中文歌曲,但是遇到了很多乱码问题,想找一些软件来convert一些乱码 ID3 Tag,渤麦堂有一些软件蛮好用的。