Happy Father Day!

Wow, check out the fellow who standing there. Who is he? Well he is my beloved Fourty Three(43) years old Dad! Look young huh? ya… he looks like my brother more than dad. He is the one who take care of me when I was young. who feeded me while I am hungry, who bought… Continue reading Happy Father Day!

my blog! I am sick!

a lot of stuff to blog, but don’t know where to start!! I going to video blogging section inside my blog. Heh… not bad right? Video blogging… more to come, stay tune paulooi.com! Finaly, I am sick today. Flu + Fever! **hey paul ooi, you think your blog very interesting kah? nobody read also**

No cinemas for Shah Alam

Gosh, no cinema for movie lover in Shah Alam, can’t watch latest movie. So guess what will happen?? I think the result will be more Shah Alam folks buying pirated VCD/DVD to watch at home. Why the Shah Alam mayor is so smart? Oh, I forgot he came from the old generation. Anyways, does he… Continue reading No cinemas for Shah Alam