English to Bahasa

Today, Paul Ooi would like to teach you some Bahasa in technology. So, here is (are) some basic word(s) you should learn. Hardware = barangkeras Software = baranglembut Joystick = batang gembira Plug and Play = cucuk dan main Port = lubang Server = pelayan Client = pelanggan If you have learnt the word(s), please… Continue reading English to Bahasa

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Why name@email.com?

I, you, we, they, he, she or it have thier own email account, and you can register free email account from Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Gmail and etc. But have you ever think of why email is using alias @ but not name$domain.com, name*domain.com, name#domain.com? Haha, who invented @? and whois the first person who sent… Continue reading Why name@email.com?

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Google supports Open Source

Google is giving support to open source project. Google summer of code support nmap, ubuntu, drupal, horde, asterisk, apache and MORE. Together with these partners, we chose 400 students from 49 countries to take part – and this from a pool of 8,744 applicants, so clearly there’s no shortage of talent. We contributed nearly $2… Continue reading Google supports Open Source

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My Mac OS X

A print screen explain all 🙂 Mac OS X is ROCKS!

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