Breaking News: Haze kills Malaysian

I want to die looo… look at the weather in KL!! Today the weather is worse than yesterday. Walking to lunch, I couldn’t really breathe. What’s happening? Why is there no rain? Now, (when) you walk on the street also got da bloody smell.. aii…


Nowday Nowadays the weather is damn hazzy hazy. felt Feel uncomfortable, uneasy, unhealth(y), unwanted 😛 Hehe, beside(s) that, it is very HOT. August adi… where is da RAIN… RAIN… PLEASE COME RAIN… LoL 🙂 By the way, please drink water my friend(s).. (or) else (you’ll) easily fall in sick… SICK… I HATE (BEING) SICK… Water,… Continue reading Haze

Welcome back Bhushan?

In my dream, I heard my handphone ring. Maybe a friend wishing me ‘Happy Birthday’. Oh no, it’s not a dream…my handphone is actually ringing – @ 5:45am! Who is calling me so early? ah… It’s Bhushan. Yea.. his flight’s at 7am so he must wanna wish me Happy Birthday before he flies off… Paul:… Continue reading Welcome back Bhushan?

Good Bye Bhushan

Yea… Nepali Times project accomplished. It’s time to say Bye Bye to Bhushan. Learnt a lot of thing from him. Wish you have a good journey back to Nepal. Keep in touch my friend. Haha bro, all the best