INDO Hacker? No No, Malaysian, PATCH YOUR SERVER

LoL, today… interesting day, 2 days ago USM website was “hacked” by Indonesia hackers.. “HACK”, please… uncle … don’t use the word “hack”. it’s deface on the website, how can it be happen… If you patch your server well…. Most of the website defaced by the so called hackers is using the SQL Injection method,… Continue reading INDO Hacker? No No, Malaysian, PATCH YOUR SERVER

Why I am in IT? Why my friend in IT? Are you sure it’s right for you?

Meet a lot developers lately. They are really good.. why? Experineced at their early age, which I mean young and talented; How they managed to do that? Ditesh Kumar own a software company at the age of 25, he started his business 3 years ago, I think it’s around 22? Keep up the good work… Continue reading Why I am in IT? Why my friend in IT? Are you sure it’s right for you?

Sold D70

You will think I am rich is it? Bought a nearly RM4000 SLR Digital Camera not more than a month, then sell it off. No, I am not… But I really don’t have time go out take “nice” photo, The camera is right on top of my guitar amp, see it every morning and every… Continue reading Sold D70